How can I help you?
I had this big long blog put together about how I got to ND but it wasn’t coming together the way I wanted it to so I’ve decided to do something else instead.
I get a lot of questions throughout the day about marketing, mostly digital, and social media. I want to answer those questions here. So I’ll be pulling stuff from our Linkedin community and questions I get through email, etc… Don’t worry, I won’t use your name if you don’t want me to.
Topics will include:
- Strategic Planning
- Websites
- Blogs
- Social Media
- Email Marketing
- Measurement
I’ll give you my advice and you should take it for what it is on a blog – free advice – no guidelines or rules or policies. There are other places for those and I’ll link to them when I can.
I’m not real big on faking it (except when I positively have to) so if you got a question I don’t know much about, I research it and give you what I can.
I look forward to learning from you and with you. It’s gonna be fun.
So what’s the first question?
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