Month: February 2015
Are There Only Two Steps To Being A Great Leader?
If I asked you to picture a good leader, who would you think of? An old boss, a church pastor, a captain of one of your teams. Or maybe you think of a celebrity leader. Like Patton or maybe a President. To tell you the truth, I don’t think of much when someone tells me…
Seven Steps On How To Build A Farm Website Yourself
Recently I’ve been asked a lot of questions about building your own website. Farmers have been asking me if they can do it. The answer is, of course, you can. Is it hard? Nope, not compared to back in the day (mid 90’s) when you had to handcode everything. Websites are much easier to build…
Six Tips On How To Talk To A Reporter About Your Farm
Guest Post from David Pelzer.* To be successful in dairy farming today, you not only need to farm and manage your cows well, you also need to know how to tell your story to the public. That means talking to people through traditional media as well as social media. When I was a journalist, I…
Why you should be using Google Webmaster Tools and how to set it up? – Simple SEO
The best things is that Google will email you when your site is having issues. This is huge. How do you know when your website is having issues with the search engine? You don’t. Google needs to tell you. But there’s also a ton more it does. I’m just going to give you a few highlights.…