Category: Social Community
What the heck is Princeton Premier or how Social Media can make or break your company’s internet presence?
So I got this email… Don Schindler It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the 2008-2009 Princeton Premier Business Leaders and Professionals Honors Edition section of the registry. The 2008-2009 edition of the registry will include biographies of the world’s most accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind…
Finding Consumer Insights in Social Media
So the kids and I went to check out Eagle Creek Reservoir Beach on Sunday afternoon. I’m very proud of my oldest daughter. She has finally learned to swim (after this summer of swimming lessons). But she’s very particular about her nose. She has to have nose plugs on or she can’t go underwater. So…
Social Media is not advertising nor marketing: it’s about connections
In yesterday’s Online Spin, there was an article Agencies: Reinvented or Replaced by Joe Marchese. Joe’s jist was that ad agencies need to change – that they aren’t prepared for the future of advertising within social media. Here’s what he says, “In the end, social media is nothing more than a mirror of people’s real-world…
Inc Mag, Social Community, and Google
Here’s my two cents about Inc. Mag. And don’t get me wrong – I love the mag – but they are always a bit behind the times when it comes to new media and technology. I really miss Business 2.0 – I can’t believe they shut it down and replaced my 2.0 with Fortune –…
You upgraded your website – do you need to upgrade your marketer?
No!!!!! The last thing you need to do is replace the person who knows your company inside and out and is dedicated to spreading the word about your success. But you do need to understand that they probably need some love and attention. For a small business, having a marketer is a true benefit. Most…