Category: social media
Facebook Live: How do you livestream on Facebook?
Facebook has just released a new feature for the most people on Facebook. It’s called Facebook Live or Livestream. Basically, it allows you to live stream a video in the moment from wherever you are. Is this something that dairy farmers or people in ag should be doing? I believe so. Facebook video and live…
Are you an Obi-Wan for good farming? What Star Wars can show us about how to connect with dairy customers.
One of the things that I love doing is working directly with the farmers. They are great people: humble, hard-working, independent, and proud of the care they give the land and their animals. Almost all farms are family-run businesses (97%) and I believe they are this way because you need to have the passion of…
Snap Chat, iMovie, and Dealing with Negative Comments top my 2015 posts
It’s always kinda cool to go back and see what really worked with my posts and what didn’t. Things that I think people would really want to see aren’t normally the ones that they do. And, of course, there are older posts that just seem to work in an evergreen way. I didn’t include those,…
How to set up Periscope for you or your farm / ag business
Why would you want to do this? I give you five reasons you want to use Periscope for your farm or ag business in an article but here are the headlines. Your customers want to see real dairy farming. Your customers like farm animals and want to see them. Your customers have questions about dairy…
Five reasons to use Periscope on your farm or Ag business
First thing – what is Periscope? Periscope (winner of Apple’s 2015 app of the year) is live streaming video mobile application. What’s live streaming video? Live streaming video is if you want to broadcast video directly to the world live. You know, it’s what the reporters do on sidelines of football game or weather guys…