Tag: don schindler
Internet Marketing 101: How to read Google Analytics?
When I first started this series on Internet Marketing 101, I told you how to set up Google Analytics on your site. Now let’s see what Google Analytics can really tell you about your site? I don’t have a whole month’s worth of data on my friend’s site, www.veinskincareinstitute.com, but I do have enough to…
Internet Marketing 101: Understanding Your Current and Past Marketing Efforts
So we’re to the second question I posed for my friend’s company with my Internet Marketing 101: How Do I Start Marketing on the Web? 2. What is your current marketing strategy and how is it doing? What are your tactics to complete that strategy. You should have a record of what you are spending…
Internet Marketing 101: Figuring Out Your Business Goals
Back on Feburary 20th, I began a series on Internet Marketing 101: How Do I Start Marketing on the Web? I’m using a friend’s business as an example. It’s a vein treatment center located in St. Louis called Vein Skincare Institute. She is answering the first of my four questions. This is not how many…
Internet Marketing 101: How do I set up Google Analytics?
While I’m waiting for the answers from my friend, I hooked up Google Analytics to their site. Setting up Google Analytics 1. You have to have a gmail account. BTW, I love gmail. I switch off Microsoft Outlook in Jan and I won’t be going back. It’s like when I switched from skiing to snowboard. …