Tag: internet
What to do when a friend turns into a troll
A friend of mine asked me what I would do when they came across someone hating on social media (not hating social media but being mean to someone online). First, I hate that crap. There’s really no reason to not be decent to everyone. Even if they are being mean to you, take the high…
Why do websites need a content management system? I’ll give you four reasons.
Yes, I know I have issues with this. I really dislike websites not built with a content management system. Why? Because you’ll always need a webmaster. This was a good job to have a few years ago because you would be the only person who had the keys to website. You were the gatekeeper. If…
Building an Internet Strategy for Business in the Digital Age
Thanks so much for attending our presentation last week. We really enjoyed meeting everyone and sharing with you our passion at MediaSauce for internet marketing and social media. I hope you learned a lot – I know I did by talking to you about your businesses and online needs. The PowerPoint has links to various…