Why do websites need a content management system? I’ll give you four reasons.

Yes, I know I have issues with this. I really dislike websites not built with a content management system.


  1. Because you’ll always need a webmaster. This was a good job to have a few years ago because you would be the only person who had the keys to website.  You were the gatekeeper. If anyone wanted to change anything including just text, they had to go to you, the person with the knowledge of how the website was built. That is unacceptable in my book and for this day and age.
  2. Because you don’t know how people will be visiting your website. Mobile traffic is up everywhere. Do you really understand all the different browsers and how your website will look in them? It’s not worth your time to adjust, adjust and re-adjust just to get two pictures to line up on your website while looking through Firefox, Google, Safari and the dreaded Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Whoops, I forgot all the mobile browsers.  Better check those, too.
  3. Because you should be spending time on your content. You are a content producer (you write paragraphs, produce graphs, answer questions, maybe make a video. Stop worrying about how to deliver it to the internet. With a content management system, you can easily add all these things without fighting how to code it.
  4. Because the future website owner will love you for it. There are hundreds of websites on nd.edu that are dead. Just plain dead. Why? Because someone forgot the username or password. Now no one can get into the website and update it. If you use a content management system especially conductor, there will always be someone who can get in and get you access. It’s as simple as adding your netid.

I don’t mind if people use other content management systems at Notre Dame. We have our Conductor Content Management System and it has over 300 websites in it.  We have over a 70% satisfaction rate from our users, which is in the top five for content management systems at other universities. We’re not losing business and our CMS will not be going away any time soon.

It’s fairly inexpensive to get one – you can get a basic site for only $300. Now that may seem like a lot of money but if you go out and try to make one yourself (teach yourself how to code html, figure out the Adobe Contribute system, and get it all uploaded) I’ll bet you spend a heck of a lot of time doing that instead of just entering the content.

But even if that is too expensive, we have a free alternative with our blogging system powered by WordPress. You can get a blog (change it to a static site if you don’t want the blog) in a couple of days by using our blogs.nd.edu.

If you are student group, you can also build within imodules over at alumni.nd.edu.  They can hook you up with a free website and you can build there.  There’s also Google Sites.

But please stop building websites using straight HTML code especially if you want the website to last longer than one year.  Webmasters move on and you don’t want to be stuck with a dead website.


11 responses to “Why do websites need a content management system? I’ll give you four reasons.”

  1. Also because we can not predict when the hacker attack our websites, so we have to manage our websites to avoid the hacker

  2. All good reasons Don. I would add the term “self-service”. Self service, means that the users of the system, the actual content producers, can do their jobs at the speed of the web without the deadweight impediments of an outdated non-CMS system. Productivity goes up and fresh content is produced faster.

  3. Sometimes it can be a bad thing to have a CMS if you have a smaller site because the content to code ratio can be bad in the eyes of a search engines. For sites with lots of content then a CMS is a must!

  4. Nice article Don, I,ll create content management for all of my blogs. Happy blogging Don!

  5. Content management system in website is very important, related to search engine optimaztion for website

  6. Great article Don. I think you are right. We should spend our time writing good content instead of worrying about how to deliver the content to the internet. However, always pay attention to SEO (title, meta keywords, description etc.) when you use a content management system.

  7. After read your article, I revise all my blog with using SEO

  8. […] via Why do websites need a content management system? I’ll give you four reasons. | Don Schindler. […]

  9. True, but the plan is not yet fool-proof regarding mobile devices. The famous user experience expert Nielsen argues that you should have a separate website intended for the mobile users and now a days they are on the rise. If you really want to reach the fullest potential you should optimize a site for mobile devices. At least think about using a plug-in that converts your site to a mobile-friendly version. I personally use wp-touch for my WordPress blog.

  10. […] this is one of the 'templates' I designed for the layout, plus the color scheme is quite nice too…I'm putting the finishing touches to my upgraded Content Managment System. It's called siteBOSS and …This puppy is fabulous! I'll be releasing some video tutorials soon. It is of course all AJAX […]

  11. cms is good choice, especially for newbie like me 😀

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