Month: March 2020

  • Dairy Farmers on YouTube in 2020

    Here are dairy farmer YouTube channels in 2020. If you are a dairy farmer or help dairy farmers and have your own YouTube channel, please email me at and I’ll get you on the YouTube list. 10th Generation Dairyman Dairy Carrie Dairy Farming with Kip Siegler Dairy Strong Fair Oaks Farms Florida Dairy Farmers Foremost Farms…

  • Dairy Farmers on Podcasts in 2020

    Here are podcasts that dairy farmers have been on over the past few months and years. If you have been on a podcast or have a podcast, please email me at and I’ll get you on the podcast list. 2020 Dairy Farmer Podcasts Sep 26, 2020: Unconquer – Jenni Tilton-Flood Listen now Sep 17, 2020: Dairy…