Category: Uncategorized
The checkoff keeps dairy in online recipes
A team at Dairy Management Inc. studies food trends and works with social media influencers and agencies with culinary expertise to keep dairy top of mind with a diverse consumer audience. Read at Hoard’s Dairyman
Reaching that younger generation
We must bridge the gap between dairy and the next generation of consumers who are disconnected from production agriculture. Read more on Hoard’s Dairyman
Can AI help us connect with consumers?
Farmers may be able to use artificial intelligence to help tell their story. Read more on Hoard’s Dairyman
Dairy Farmers on YouTube in 2021
Here are dairy farmer YouTube channels in 2020. If you are a dairy farmer or help dairy farmers and have your own YouTube channel, please email me at and I’ll get you on the YouTube list. 10th Generation Dairyman Dairy Carrie Dairy Farming with Kip Siegler Dairy Strong Fair Oaks Farms Florida Dairy Farmers Foremost Farms…
Dairy Farmers On Instagram In 2021
Here’s my list of dairy farmers using Instagram to post pictures and video to engage with consumers. It’s not complete and if you want your farm Instagram profile on the list, just send me an email at or leave a comment at the bottom of the list. a_farm_wife_life adirondackfarms alexandrefamilyfarm allysonmaryjune amandajocarey animals_of_ocooch appel_dairy…