Tag: communications
How can social media be incorporated into your communications at Notre Dame?
First, if you are not convinced that social media should be used – please check out the following presentation. [slideshare id=4747765&doc=whatissocialmediayr3pgrated-100713151403-phpapp02] There are a bunch of quotes in it that I think are worth repeating. 25 billion – amount of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, and notes, and photos) shared each month on…
If Listservs Aren’t The Answer For Email Marketing, What Is?
Yes, I know the listserv is cheap and easy. And, last year, anyone could spam the entire university about their upcoming event, lecture or visiting guest. And everyone did. But what happened is that most people would not only ignore the listserv emails – they also started to despise the people (fellow employees) blasting them…