Tag: conductor
What’s the right web content management system (CMS) for you?
This is a tough question for most communicators. Sometimes it’s because they are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of a CMS. Sometimes it’s because there are too many choices out there. At ND, we have tons of different CMSes and it’s difficult to know which one will be the right one to choose. I know…
Why do websites need a content management system? I’ll give you four reasons.
Yes, I know I have issues with this. I really dislike websites not built with a content management system. Why? Because you’ll always need a webmaster. This was a good job to have a few years ago because you would be the only person who had the keys to website. You were the gatekeeper. If…
5 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Using Webfile to Publish Your Web Site in Dreamweaver
Does anyone have a doubt that the web is a very different animal then it was ten years ago, five years ago, two years ago? Campus has changed quite a bit in that time – just look around at the new buildings, new roads, new football coach…again. But you are still struggling with Dreamweaver and…
Are You Struggling With Using WebFile to Publish Your Web Site in Contribute?
Do you need help with Contribute? Can you not access your web site because it was built using Contribute? We get lots of these types of questions dealing with Contribute everyday. We struggled and continue to struggle with Contribute as well. The keys won’t work. It’s hard to manage. No one ever remembers the netID…