Look at everyone jumping off the cliff, maybe we should do it too?

He looks happy before the jump.

“They are using Twitter.  We should be using it, too.”

I hear that a lot.  Because if other schools are doing it then it obviously will work for them as well.

Just because another department or school is having success with some type of communications or marketing tactic doesn’t mean it will be effective for your program.

Yes, there are basics for your program.

Like a website – that is updated frequently.

Like an email marketing program – if they are going to visit your website, give them something to sign up for.

Like a brochure or one-sheeter or at least a business card – you need something that they can take with them if they meet you face-to-face.

I would also say a blog – either on your website (recommended – you can use the “news module” in our web content management system, conductor, as a blog) or an outside blog at http://blogs.nd.edu (they are free and easy to set up).

Now everything else should be really reflective of your audience and how they want you to communicate with them. So magazines (these are expensive but can be well worth it – think ND Magazine), Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin Groups, Google Adwords, billboards, TV ads, YouTube channel, etc… These all need to be thought through carefully.

BTW, we’re here to help you do that. Do you know how to measure ROI? It’s simply take the “money earned by the tactic” – “cost to create the tactic” divided by the “cost to create the tactic”. Every tactic should have an ROI?

So what are your favorite outside the norm tactics? Facebook pages? Twitter profiles? Billboard ads?


  1. Good post. In an industry that prizes the newest shiny thing, it’s a good reminder to set priorities and let them guide your tactics.

  2. Jay Rizzi Avatar
    Jay Rizzi

    We are attempting a cultural shift to news via blogs.nd.edu + simplepie aggregation instead of email, been fairly posative so far.

    On the horizon, I wonder if an interal twitter-ish client would be well received or a colossal failure…I see many posatives of a microblog for business use, but almost wonder if its just a fad. In researching, i thought Yammer seemed clunky, and Microsoft OfficeTalk is almost a verbatum carbon twitter copy. Salesforce.com is an example of business software implementing their own microfeed module, i would be really curious on what % of their customers clients actually use it

    1. Don Schindler Avatar
      Don Schindler

      Jay, I’ve used yammer at a previous company and it wasn’t efficient or easy. In the agency, twitter is used by a lot of us but it’s mostly for just talking and sharing new bits of info but no real business is done there.

  3. Jay Rizzi Avatar
    Jay Rizzi

    Glad my initial reaction to yammer is validated. I like the way you guys use twitter, and i see a definite value for some conversations we currently have via email …example, two tickets become available for football game_1, the admin posts the message thurs afternoon, and the followers see the message and responses, whether theyre at the computer or cultivating in the field via mobile, so noone misses the opportunity, and the conclusion is evident when admin announced tickets taken.

    I may be really specializing it, or going overboard, whats your thoughts, more blunt the better

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