If it’s not on Facebook, it’s not news. Facebook now drives more traffic to news sites than Google. http://for.tn/1JmLx4w
Think mosh pit, not assembly line. How social media can break down silos. http://bit.ly/1Ja0dXB
You know you’ve made it when moms join your social platform. Why moms love Snapchat. http://thecut.io/1h0dvMI
How do you stack up online? Check out how your social selling skills rank with this new LinkedIn tool. http://bit.ly/1E9Vs1s
Not all internet trolls are alike. Target sends love to their latest trolls. http://bit.ly/1MIjvYc
Not a job for the indecisive. NYTimes now uses Blossem, an intelligent bot within Slack (group collaboration space) to predict how articles will perform. And it’s increased average clicks by 120%. http://bit.ly/1MCHrKP
Can your recite the Google alphabet? If not, this chart makes it easy for you to see all their ventures from A to Z. http://bit.ly/1LneTUa
It’s not okay to laugh out loud (LOL) anymore. According to Facebook everyone now uses “ha ha” to imply funny.
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