Social Media News – Facebook is the News, New Mom-addiction: Snapchat, Say “no” to LOL

If it’s not on Facebook, it’s not news. Facebook now drives more traffic to news sites than Google.

 Think mosh pit, not assembly line. How social media can break down silos.

 You know you’ve made it when moms join your social platform. Why moms love Snapchat.

 How do you stack up online? Check out how your social selling skills rank with this new LinkedIn tool.

 Not all internet trolls are alike. Target sends love to their latest trolls.

 Not a job for the indecisive. NYTimes now uses Blossem, an intelligent bot within Slack (group collaboration space) to predict how articles will perform. And it’s increased average clicks by 120%.

 Can your recite the Google alphabet? If not, this chart makes it easy for you to see all their ventures from A to Z.

It’s not okay to laugh out loud (LOL) anymore. According to Facebook everyone now uses “ha ha” to imply funny.


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