How do you win an argument? In three steps.

Two bison going at it

For a long time, I’ve been struggling with the ability to tell others why they shouldn’t argue with others especially on the internet. I’m not saying to turn the other cheek and run away – what I was trying to say is that it’s not worth the time and energy to argue with someone.

It’s better to agree with them and then redirect to what you want them to do. But people I spoke with just didn’t get it. Obviously, these people aren’t dumb – I was just doing a horrible job of explaining what I meant.

Then I came across these posts from John Carlton. I’ve been following John since I had heard an interview with him on (I believe) the Copyblogger podcast. John did a great interview of how he came into the copy writing world and he’s produced some amazing results for his clients so when it comes to knowing what he’s talking about, I trust him.

Anyway, I digress. Here’s his steps for Winning an argument – you can find them all here on his blog or the comments on his facebook. I’m not going to copy his stuff word for word – you should go read it. But I am going to give it my spin for the world of dairy farming.

How to win an argument

Step 1: Never argue back, when your goal is persuasion.

This is probably the toughest thing to do. We are definitely hardwired to defend our positions and strike out when we feel our views are threatened.

But the important thing here (especially online) is that this is a losing proposition. No one will win here – what will happen is that everyone will see the shouting match going on back and forth until it escalates into name calling. I’m sure you’ve seen this hundreds of times on facebook, twitter, youtube, etc… It’s even worse when people’s identities are anonymous.

I love what John says here about how their minds will change –

They WILL change their minds, but not because you demolished their belief system with crap like logic and debate moves. They will change because of an internal epiphany that is akin to death/rebirth.

So the main lesson is here “don’t fight back” unless you just want the adrenaline rush and don’t care if this person will hate both you and your cause.

Step 2: Define what “win” means to you.

This is a big boy/girl step and it’s not quite as hard as the first step. What are you trying to accomplish and why in the world did you engage this person in the first place. You need to answer this. If there is really no larger goal in mind, then step away. You aren’t going to convince them of anything anyway.

In social media/digital world, there are considerations here. You are probably arguing in front of an audience. Both theirs and yours. So you really need to think about that. I would also say that don’t consider email a private place. I’ve seen many people say things in email that got transferred (copy paste) directly into the lime light. So always be careful in digital.

If I engage someone with an opposing viewpoint, I want to persuade them into doing something that is a “win” for me (even if it looks like I got my butt kicked in the argument). Let me give you an example. At a previous job, I was constantly bickering with a dept over their approvals of tools I needed for my team. After a few backroom arguments (which I believed I won but in reality didn’t get us any closer to getting the tools), I decided to change my tactics. My goal was getting the tools and not winning the arguments. So my new tactic was to (which is the next step) to agree with them and redirect to what I wanted.

I’ll explain what happened after the next step from John.

Step 3: Use “yes, and” to reframe for the “win”.

This is what John says about the last step in winning an argument. He’s written a lot more here so go read the rest of it but here’s what he says.

You disarm anger, reframe the context (so you’re not wallowing in the stuck-in-one-place psychological wastelands that stubborn people like to fight in), and “come in through a side door” (as old school salesmen like to say).

You don’t engage head-on, you ignore irrationality, and because you’re so clear on your goal, you take your ego out of it. Use the old improv theater tactic of never being negative yourself — say ‘Yes… AND…’ while moving things toward the discussion you actually want to have.

This is so, so important. You win because you reframed the argument and you get what you want. Remember if there is nothing I really want from the person then don’t argue. But this person has something you want (influence, budget, tools, etc…) then you need to persuade and you persuade by not arguing.

So here’s what happened in the example. Instead of arguing, I started agree with the other dept. “Yes, I agree these tools are a bit out of range for our normal budget and yes, the security is questionable. Yes, I agree with your points. I understand you have a class on the dangers of these tools. How about my guys all attend these classes, become experts and advocates about how you feel about these tools and will be someone you can rely on to back you up if other people want these types of tools. But they really need to have access to these tools so they can become the experts on which ones work and which ones don’t. The dept head thought about it and gave us the access we needed.” Now this is just a paraphrasing of everything that went down but it worked.

Now, do I do this all the time? Nope. Do I still argue? Yep.

Because I’m human and I don’t always control my emotions as well as I should. But I do want you to understand that arguing passionately very rarely convinces anyone but the people that already agree with you that you are doing the right thing. You can see the polarization in many things like politics, religion, music, etc…

But if you really want to persuade someone than I suggest you use John’s steps above. And, of course, if you want to argue against me, feel free. I’m up for it. “Yes, I agree with you…AND”

What do you think about winning an argument?


9 responses to “How do you win an argument? In three steps.”

  1. […] want to know vs. people just trying to get you to fight.  If that happens, you can check out this post on arguments and what to […]

  2. […] is my only “don’t” in my tips. I have a post about how to win an argument that you should read if you think you really need to go to battle with someone online. It’s just […]

  3. […] Well, I’m not going to lie to you – it will probably happen. But there’s lots of help out here as well on how to handle it. I’ve written a blog post about arguing online. […]

  4. Great article and great advice, Don. I just asked to be opted out of a twitter discussion that had been going on for days and I was even responding to any of the tweets. It was obvious from the get go that this was going to be a circular argument between some people who were never going to agree on anything. What’s the point? Nobody wins and it clogs up my notifications.

    I try to always remember someone is probably watching my convos even if they aren’t actively engaged. Even if that person doesn’t agree with me, I at least try to be the one who appears calm and has a level head. When I get comments on my blog about how civil the conversation is that makes me happy.

    1. donschindler Avatar

      Brian – you are so right to get out of something that isn’t leading anywhere. It’s tough for me to do as well. I really appreciate the hard work you guys put in to helping people understand where their food comes from.

  5. donschindler Avatar

    @disqus_km5R0iDlhd:disqus – you are so right to get out of something that isn’t leading anywhere. It’s tough for me to do as well. I really appreciate the hard work you guys put in to helping people understand where their food comes from.

  6. Jan Hoadley Avatar
    Jan Hoadley

    Oh how I wish I could get this through to many in the rabbit world. :-/ Going to rescue or pet pages, even if wrong/misguided, produces nothing good but battle lines, name calling and IHate websites like junior high. Five years in some see it doesn’t work…but trying to show a better way is a frustration I don’t pick up much anymore. Great points here – worth reading before logging in. 🙂

    1. donschindler Avatar

      Thanks, Jan. You are such a rock star advocate. Keeping on doing what you are doing and people will see you are on the right road.

  7. […] and try your best to listen and respond in a polite manner. You can check out my blog post on “winning an argument online” for some more […]

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