Category: Google
Internet Marketing 101: How do I set up Google Analytics?
While I’m waiting for the answers from my friend, I hooked up Google Analytics to their site. Setting up Google Analytics 1. You have to have a gmail account. BTW, I love gmail. I switch off Microsoft Outlook in Jan and I won’t be going back. It’s like when I switched from skiing to snowboard. …
Cool Election Map and my Black Friday
Found this through my Twitter friends. Check it out. As for my Black Friday post. It rocked the house like I thought it would. Focusing on what Google and the blogosphere is talking about and writing about that will increase your visitors. The Black Friday post more than doubled my average daily visits.
Basics in SEO – have you graded your website?
This is going to be a short post but I absolutely loved this tool, Check it out, use it and then come back and we’ll go through all the cool stuff that is in it. There’s also another free tool for ranking your website. Being found on the net is getting harder and harder…