Tag: analytics
How do you set up a goal in Google Analytics? – Simple SEO
So what’s the best way to set up and use Google Analytics to get more out of your website? Answer one important question and you can be well on your way to understanding more about how your website is working for you and how to adjust it for the future. Why does your website exist?…
Benchmarking Your Website
When I was speaking with the Mendoza College of Business School at the University of Notre Dame Marketing team the other day, we did some quick analysis of their site to see how they ranked vs. their competitiors. Now I’m not going to show you their stats, but I am going to show you nd.edu…
Internet Marketing 101: How do I set up Google Analytics?
While I’m waiting for the answers from my friend, I hooked up Google Analytics to their site. Setting up Google Analytics 1. You have to have a gmail account. BTW, I love gmail. I switch off Microsoft Outlook in Jan and I won’t be going back. It’s like when I switched from skiing to snowboard. …