People are always asking me what kind of books I read (usually right after presentations) and I try and rattle off the ones I can remember in the moment.
So this post is mainly for me so I can remember which books I recently read and loved – then I can just direct people to the post so they can easily buy them.
I’ve also got a saying on my desk – I ripped it a long time ago and changed it slightly to meet my needs but it goes like this.
Learn From Everyone
Follow No One
Watch For Patterns
Work Harder Than Everybody
These books helped me learn. They also preach about “not following”, which to me means, don’t copy people. They gave me insights into the patterns and a lot of these guys work extremely hard.
The Age of Context – Robert Scoble, Shel Israel
Great book on what’s coming next. Robert is also the guy you see all the time with Google Glass on. I’ve got my own but can’t seem to engage with it as much as he does.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary’s new book is great because of all the examples he gives. He takes the time to point out what works and what doesn’t in social media. Quick read. And I’m really into boxing right now so I love the metaphor.
Youtitlity – Jay Baer
Jay’s a good friend but I would still recommend Youtility even if he wasn’t. Marketing is changing dramatically and if you provide someone a benefit with your marketing it can last a long, long time. Great examples – it’s about help, not hype. I’m a firm believer in that type of communication.
Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness – The Science, Design and Engineering of Contagious Ideas – Dan Zarrella
Many people think that storytelling is strictly an art form. That there is no way to break it down so people can who don’t naturally get it can produce it. In Dan’s book, he breaks it down so normal people can produce great stories. It’s a very quick read as well.
The Story Factor – Annette Simmons
I’ve been using Annette’s book for years – even since a boss made me read it back in my agency days. It’s really shows the depth at how stories can be recalled and how to produce them. Well worth the time.
Trust Me, I’m Lying
The funny thing about Ryan’s book is that I think most people know they are being manipulated and they just don’t care. But Ryan does and he breaks down how the system works. It’s so fascinating yet frustrating to be in this marketing industry. I also love that he doesn’t really have answers on how to fix it.
Growth Hackers
Another great book from Ryan on how marketing is done in the tech world and how traditional marketers might learn from it. Good stuff.
So what have been your favorite business / marketing books of 2013?
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