Tag: website
Your marketing and products are boring and it makes me tired
Seth Godin had a great little post today called “You’re boring“. It’s really quick so go read it. I run into this thing all the time with marketers taking the safe route. Especially in this economy. When you choose the safe and boring route, you make your potential clients tired. You make your staff tired.…
Basics in SEO – have you graded your website?
This is going to be a short post but I absolutely loved this tool, www.websitegrader.com. Check it out, use it and then come back and we’ll go through all the cool stuff that is in it. There’s also another free tool for ranking your website. Being found on the net is getting harder and harder…
Siteless Web Presence Part One or why not be in all places at once?
Last week I spoke of a siteless web presence. And what I meant by that comment was that you need to stop thinking of your website as a destination stop and more of aggregator of all your web content. Pretty simple, huh? But first things first. Your website should be a living breathing thing on…