Month: January 2009
Do business blogs really work? Just ask Princeton Premier.
A business blog can do lots of things so it really depends on the company. I can tell you that we are not a digital company that immediately says you need a blog. We are a company that will find out what you want to do, find out what your audience really wants from you…
“Proven” Methods Don’t Change The World
So every morning I basically do the same thing. I get up, get the kids fed and on the bus and then head to work. It’s pretty chaotic in the morning. The kids make sure of that. So when I get to work, I get to slow down right. Well, not really. In the world…
Your marketing and products are boring and it makes me tired
Seth Godin had a great little post today called “You’re boring“. It’s really quick so go read it. I run into this thing all the time with marketers taking the safe route. Especially in this economy. When you choose the safe and boring route, you make your potential clients tired. You make your staff tired.…
RT Tamar Weinberg’s Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008
What an amazing compilation of blog posts. If you have the time (which I don’t right now but I will make the time), you need to check them all out. I can’t believe how much time she put into this. Check out her Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008 and then make sure you give…